Annual ANFS Meeting
The America-Nepal Friendship Society (ANFS) will have its first meeting of 2006 on January 20th, 2006, at 6 PM. The meeting will be held at
Maharaja Restaurant
230 East 44th St.
New York, NY 10017
This is an important opportunity for all the members to seriously engage in assessing the past activities and chartering future course of ANFS. We will have a lot to cover at the meeting and therefore, I encourage every one to arrive on time.
ANFS has a significant number of Family Membership (husband & wife) and we may only have one email address for both. So please make sure that you communicate/pass on the meeting details to your spouses, friends, etc.
Light snacks will be served at the beginning and there will be full course dinner following the conclusion of the meeting. Every one is expected to contribute $20 to cover the evening’s expenses.
If you’re planning on attending, please contact Dr. Tara Niraula: by email, ; or by phone, 212-491-0378. Please RSVP no later than January 18, 2006.
We’re very excited about starting the new year with a positive and energetic outlook.